Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 23

Oh TAM, You are truly killing me. I am moody, I am so sore, I hurt! Day 23 is three days into the new sequence. I find myself definitely unable to do my cardio after my muscle work because my body is so tired. When I watch the video of MC moves, I really want to throw the remote at Tracy's face. She looks so smug and almost to the point of not even enjoying herself when she does the moves. She looks almost like a robot.
See how mean I am being.
I also received my Meta in the mail. Meaning, it is the 90 day program I will work with after next Sunday when I am done with my original bootcamp. I was so disappointed. For $90 I got a very light cardboard box. In it were 5 DVD's inside of a paperback CD holder. Then, instead of a nice published book, I received a stapled pamphlet with recipes and exercise trackers. Some company must have also supplied tape measures for her because that was a nice little surprise gift.
For me, it wasn't that big of a deal because I am motivated and loving the workouts. But, lets say I am a first time user of TAM. I am all motivated, or so I say to get in shape, so I spend $90 and order Meta. It comes in the mail and I think to myself, wow, this is totally not motivating. I don't know. I posted this in the TAM facebook fan page and was told off by many people that the packaging doesn't count...which to me is a complete hypocritical statement because we are all doing TAM based on her package (meaning body).
Anyway, I havent been sleeping well due to my soreness so maybe that is why I am so crabby. I am also not okay with the fact that I can't get through my cardio because I am so exhausted.
I am however, doing very good on the food. The menu is still delish and I find anytime I alter, I think the food tastes pretty gross and oily. So, I can tell that my cravings and need for different foods is definitely changing.
I also now have a workout partner through facebook. She too is doing the TAM but is already on Meta. Each day we message each other our true food and workout choices, holding each other accountable.
Overall, I feel great. I did go to buy a new pair of pants for work yesterday and bought the same size as normal. But, thats okay. I feel positive about my inches and weight loss. I will not measure again until Monday. But, as of this past Monday I was down a total of 16 cumulative inches and 8 lbs. I see most of the loss in my face, upper torso, and waist. I guess my rear and thighs will be the last since they are the most stubborn.
I also am pretty proud of myself for sticking with something for 23 days...for me, that's big.

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